3 thoughts on “Remember this group?”

  1. I loved seeing this youtube! How wonderful!! I hope to find a group to do charity quilts with when I get to Winston Salem. I’m kind of in limbo right now. Wish I had a moving date!Bonnie


  2. Thanks ladies….and Bonnie, I ended up with this group because I made an announcement at church one Sunday if there was anyone who could sew a straight line (Then you can quilt!) I wanted to get a group together to make HUGS (for the troops) and I ended up with about 8-10 ladies at the first mtg. From there it was easy, as I gave them easy projects to start with so the sewers wouldn’t be intimidated by the quilters in the group. It’s worked beautifully, as every mtg tends to be a mini’class’ where they learn something new and fun! Good luck in your new space!


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